What You'll Need:
- 5 Different Colors of Foam - 1 Googly Eye - 3 Puffy Paint Colors - 1 Glue Stick - 1 Marker - Scissors |
How to make it:
1. Collect the materials you will need. 2. Cut out the body of the owl. 3. Cut out the wings and base of the owl with different colors than the body. 4. Glue the wings and base to the body as well as a googly eye. 5. Use puffy paint to create eye lashes, a beak, and decorative feathers. 6. Cut out a branch and leaves and glue the owl on the branch. 7. Use the marker to write the student's name on the paper. |
"Whoooo are you?" These owls will add some color to your building. Although slightly more complex, the materials needed are fairly simple and come in large packs. Foam and puffy paint can be expensive, so this decoration is best for halls with less than 50 residents. To save some money, you can also use construction paper and markers.
This is a good door dec for the beginning of the year with first-year students. During the opening hall meeting, talk with the residents about 'wHOOO' they are and 'wHOOO' they want to be at college. This is a good theme for getting to know your residents, having them talk about their hopes and dreams for the academic year. You can also discuss resources available at the school which can help them grow to their fullest potential and be able to "spread their wings."
Other lessons you can incorporate in your programming may include:
-How to be a Wise Owl- Academic Success
- How to be a Good Night Owl- Good Sleep Habits
- Don't Let Stress Ruffle Your Feathers- Stress Management
- Getting Involved is a Hoot- Student Engagement
Have ideas of your own you want to share! Send us a message.
"Whoooo are you?" These owls will add some color to your building. Although slightly more complex, the materials needed are fairly simple and come in large packs. Foam and puffy paint can be expensive, so this decoration is best for halls with less than 50 residents. To save some money, you can also use construction paper and markers.
This is a good door dec for the beginning of the year with first-year students. During the opening hall meeting, talk with the residents about 'wHOOO' they are and 'wHOOO' they want to be at college. This is a good theme for getting to know your residents, having them talk about their hopes and dreams for the academic year. You can also discuss resources available at the school which can help them grow to their fullest potential and be able to "spread their wings."
Other lessons you can incorporate in your programming may include:
-How to be a Wise Owl- Academic Success
- How to be a Good Night Owl- Good Sleep Habits
- Don't Let Stress Ruffle Your Feathers- Stress Management
- Getting Involved is a Hoot- Student Engagement
Have ideas of your own you want to share! Send us a message.
Other Variations: